Saturday, May 26, 2012

Buy Nikon D800

Buy Nikon D800 the top leader of DSLR Camera that more attractive and high potential. Nikon is pround to present the new best DSLR camera that include all experience in camera technologies and research for new abilites to make a creative picture in one touch. In the fist time to touch it feel like you meet and old friend and familiar to talk with him. Connect grib it lighter than brother D700 a little, menu function button it easy than ever. Focal system is more potential and fast to use. You can adjust Dynamic Range of the picture in wide scale will make picuter look clear and control the light and color so easily.

With the wide 7360 pixel and tall 4912 pixel that mean you got a picture that very large it about 36.3 Mega Pixel. So with the huge image size you will got take foto about 200 picture when you use 16 GB SD Card storage and use NEF or Raw File Format (It size will be 75 MB large) with 16 Bit Color. If you not need a large photo file you can use JPEG format instead but you will have a high quality picture too (File Size about 16 - 30 MB

All about body of nikon d800 it have some change from d700 a little such as plastic surface, marking color is more delicate. And catch body is feel fit and confident to hold in any situation. White Balance is better in indoor situation than ever. Picture control can be a shortcut in left hand site so it easy to use or if you can't adjuct then yoy can use live view to adjust picture currenty.

Nikon D800

Focal is faster and easier than the D700 in low light. Advanced Multicam 3500 FX is the hightligth for top level Nikon DSLR like the D4. And the top high light for camera that is ISO capability lenght 50 - 25600 with iso 50 you will not need to reduce the light with filte. You can edit your picture like use photoshop on your camera so an important fuction is HDR it so easy to create it. you can create it with Raw File Format but when you need to create HDR photo you should to stable your camera because it will take 2 photo continuos then it will merge 2 pic automatically.

Expand you D800 size by holding grib MB D12, this design will reduce weight, use hight quality frame with hole to cooling body. and desgin for all button is so great and perfect to use. That need ENEL 15 or AA for seperate way. it will be similar to D4 and better than his brother D700 so sure.

If you like to Buy Nikon D800 you can click this link
Cheap Nikon D800